Mission & Vision

About Us

Welcome to World of Competency Development… Today, children are growing in more challenging and demanding environment, the rate of changing in every sphere is rapid. With the enhanced knowledge exchange and technological development, the world is growing faster.

  • Globalization demands new dimensions in our approach to education. We, thus have to recognize the need for a globally relevant education. Such an education means imparting skills that would develop mental agility in the individuals, so that they can confidently interact and work in diverse environment and situations.
  • Great Minds Competency Council, located in Chennai, Tamilnadu, established in 2014 with the intent to serve the education sector and bring in additional knowledge and skills in school students to help prepare them to be ready for the next level and to the corporate world.
  • Over the years we are proud to have served our little to the education sector on organizing various competency and creative exams as our competency exams are unique and are entrusted internationally. We are constantly looking at upgrading and making ourselves more relevant and value adding in the constantly changing global environment.
  • In pursuit of excellence, we are in the Publishing arena too and publish various educational books and aids to improve the competency skills of the students.
  • We believe in the potential of every child and we drive towards providing meaningful and effective child centric education by its core philosophy to EXPLORE, ENRICH & COMPETE.

Our Mission & Vision

Our Mission & Vision is to provide an opportunity to students to develop and hone their competency skills to meet academic challenges with openness and with enthusiasm.


Our innovative and unique methodology provides the way to enable them to be successful in their education, career and life by:
  • Developing Competency and creative skills
  • Promoting excellence in every sphere
  • Fostering interest and passion for lifelong active learning
  • Encouraging lateral and creative thinking
  • Providing experiences that develop self-esteem

Our Activities

  • We offer competency examinations and contests to develop and nurture the knowledge and creative skills of students.
  • We provide platform to the students to demonstrate their creative thinking, construct knowledge and develop innovative methods to enhance their knowledge and skills in the diversified fields.
  • We publish books, magazines, periodicals, booklets, newsletter etc. on various educational subjects that enhance student's skill other than academic skills.
  • We conduct workshops and seminars on life skill programs to tap the confidence of the students.

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